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Author Guidelines

Authors interested in publishing their work in the Journal of Hebrew Scriptures (JHS) should submit article manuscripts using the journal's online submission system. Manuscripts should be submitted in MS-Word format, with Unicode fonts and with no styles applied to the document. The manuscript should include a full bibliography (see below for formatting guidelines); but tables, figures, or images should be submitted as separate files. Along with the manuscript, please submit into the system a short abstract, keywords, and a list of the manuscript's scholarly references. If possible, authors should include a PDF of the manuscript as well. 

Please note : all authors are solely responsible for the contents of their articles and reviews.

Authors of manuscripts submitted to JHS will:

  • Ensure that the manuscript is a work of entirely original research, and that the work adheres to the highest standards of academic integrity and ethical practice; this includes (but is not restricted to) citing all sources of information and, if the journal publishes the manuscript, acknowledging the input of anonymous readers as appropriate.
  • Ensure that the manuscript is not being considered for publication in another venue, and that it has not been published already in another language.
  • Alert editors of any potential conflicts of interest related to the manuscript and/or research.
  • Assign to JHS the right to publish the text both electronically and in any other format and to make it available permanently in an electronic archive. The journal’s deposit policy is listed in the Sherpa Romeo catalogue of open-access publications.
  • Read and approve the journal’s Publication Agreement. Authors must download a copy of the Publication Agreement, complete and sign it, and then send the signed copy to the journal’s editors (a scanned copy sent via e-mail is acceptable). By submitting a completed and signed Publication Agreement, authors accept the proofs they have received.

Manuscript Formatting and Style

Language: English. Please note : Upon receipt of a manuscript, the editors will examine it to ensure that the English is fluent and meets academic standards. The editors reserve the right to reject the manuscript before peer review if the English is not fluent and does not meet academic standards.


  • Please ensure that all fonts are Unicode and that no styles are applied to the document.
  • For Greek and Hebrew, please use SBL Fonts.
  • For transliteration, please use Gentium Plus.

For all abbreviations and scholarly references, please use footnotes or author-date citations and follow the SBL Handbook of Style (2nd edition). Examples of footnote references:

  • Rainer Albertz, A History of Israelite Religion in the Old Testament Period, vol. 2, From the Exile to the Maccabees, trans. John Bowden, OTL (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox, 1994), 373–74.
  • Ehud Ben Zvi, Signs of Jonah: Reading and Rereading in Ancient Yehud, JSOTSup 367 (London: Sheffield Academic, 2003).
  • Adele Berlin, "The Exile: Biblical Ideology and Its Postmodern Ideological Interpretation," in Literary Construction of Identity in the Ancient World, ed. Hanna Liss and Manfred Oeming (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2010), 341–56.
  • Brennan W. Breed, Nomadic Text: A Theory of Biblical Reception History, Indiana Series in Biblical Literature (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2014).
  • Alison L. Joseph, "Who Is like David? Was David like David? Good Kings in the Book of Kings," CBQ 77 (2015): 20–41.
  • Martha T. Roth with Harry A. Hoffner Jr., Law Collections from Mesopotamia and Asia Minor, ed. Piotr Michalowski, 2nd ed., SBLWAW 6 (Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 1997).
  • Francesca Stavrakopoulou and John Barton, eds., Religious Diversity in Ancient Israel and Judah (London: T&T Clark, 2010).

When referring to page ranges, biblical chapters and verses, or the like, please use en-dashes between numbers (e.g., 93–111; Num 6:24–26; cols. 1–3; etc.).

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